Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just keep busy, just keep busy...

Apparently this is the trick to not completely breaking down when someone dies. So, I've been cleaning like a mad woman, making elaborate dinners, and working on projects for A Thought of Her Own. I've got my big annual article coming up at the end of May there, and I'm busting my balls trying to come up with a good idea for it this year. Call me crazy, but women's rights fascinate me. The fight to keep abortion safe and legal and WHY fascinates me even more. I'm starting to build a pretty decent contact list for that blog, with new pro-choice friends all over the country. I've even got a few followers from Ireland (FYI: Ireland has some exciting things happening in the way of women's rights). Anyway, I've got a few great ideas for this annual article, but they will be hard to pull off.

Meanwhile, ZoeJane has been out of school this week for winter break and I've so enjoyed spending some extra time with her. Usually, the boys keep it so hectic...I don't get to spend a lot of one on one time with her. This week, we fixed that...and I think it did us some good. Especially when she's stayed up later than Michael and we've had some alone "girl time" before Dayton gets home. She'll go back to school on Monday and we'll be back to the normal grind.

Oh, and on a side note that I know you'll find super exciting, I've gone back to the dark side. Err....dyed my hair black again. Win.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Going on Three Months...

As much as I've tried to push it out of my mind lately, the cold fact remains that my dad is dead. That sounds cold...empty...heartless, but it's true. He's not "gone" on vacation or to the, it's much more permanent and final. My dad is dead. He's never coming back.

The last couple of weeks I've done a pretty good job keeping my sad thoughts about him to a minimum, minus the few passing thoughts here and there. But in the last few nights, he's slowly been creeping back into my mind, taking over nearly every thought. I keep thinking about these two dreams that I kept having right after he died. They were so vivid and real.

In one, I was in his hospital room with him...back on the day when the doctor told me that his kidney function had decreased to 17% overnight. But this time, I stayed in the room alone with dad after the doctor and nurse left the room. And all of a sudden, he woke up. He took his oxygen off and somehow, he didn't have the vent in his mouth anymore. He was perky, wondering what I was doing there, and telling me how much better he felt. His numbers on the machine were great. His swelling went away as we were talking. I grabbed my cell phone and started calling my sister, my mom, my husband...but no one would come. No one would get excited with me. After I had called everyone, dad asked me when they were coming. I told him that they weren't, that they had told me that he was still going to die. He was confused...he didn't understand why no one would come for him. We were still talking when I woke up. But that dream shakes me to my core every time I think about it. Wherever he was...did he feel that alone? That confused and scared? Did he feel like no one cared?

The second one was even more disturbing, because in the dream, I knew that I was dreaming. Sounds insane, right? Yeah. My siblings and I were all standing outside of dad's ICU room talking, and suddenly, behind my siblings in a hallway going in a different direction, I saw dad walk by in his flannel jacket (the same one that I keep by my bed now). In the dream I thought "This dream may not last long, you've GOT to ask him your questions!", so I ran down the hall after him, yelling his name. He kept walking and just turned and called behind him "I've got to go". Finally I caught up to him, grabbed his shoulder and he stopped and turned around. His face was expressionless. He didn't even make eye contact with me. He looked beyond me. I asked if he thought that I had been ignoring him because I had missed his calls the week before he died. He said, "yes". I asked him if he heard me when I broke down in his hospital room and begged him not to leave me alone, again, "yes". I asked him if he knew how much I loved him, and again...a simple "yes". I asked him if he knew when they told him they were sedating him to put him on the vent, if he knew that he'd never wake up, he said "yes". There were no detailed answers. And I didn't have time to ask him to elaborate, or to explain myself when he said that he did think that I had been avoiding him. I just knew that I had to ask all the questions that I could manage to ask before I woke up. I told him that I loved him and that I missed him more than I ever knew I could miss anymore. He told me that he knew. I grabbed him, I hugged him, I inhaled him. And then he turned and walked away. Within a few seconds, he was gone and I was standing in that cold hospital hallway alone. THEN, I woke up.

These may seem simple, silly dreams to some...but I was in that room with him. I saw him before he was sedated, when he was struggling to catch a breath, and I saw him after, when the machine was breathing for him. I held his hands, I could feel how swollen they were. I felt him, I remembered how badly he was sweating and how helpless he looked. That is not something that can easily be shaken. And apparently, all of it has effected me a little more than I thought. I thought I was moving forward, since I've been able to function normally and have my moments here and there while keeping them in check...but I guess not.

I never knew how I would handle losing my dad, but I never EVER thought that I'd have to find out this soon.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday Mingle!

Welcome to the Monday Mingle!
Hosted by
This Week's Theme: LOVE
This Week's Questions:
1. Who was your first love?
Ha! Andrew Harper, sadly.
2. Do you remember your first kiss?
An even sadder occurance. Andrew Harper again. Felt like a hoover vaccuum on my face.
3. What are your plans for this Valentine's Day?

 Nothing special. Movie night with the hubster.
4. What do you love most about your Significant Other? If you're single, what quality do you look for the most?
My husband's top priority is taking care of his family. And he's really good at it. There's nothing that I can't talk to him about. Nothing that he doesn't understand. He's always there for me in every way that I need him.
5. What would be your DREAM gift for Valentine's Day?
A vacation, complete with a nanny to take care of our kids (so I could check in on them...otherwise, I'd just be calling home every 10 minutes).  Yeah, I'm THAT paranoid.
Okay, now it's your turn. Grab the button and questions and repost on your page!!! Link your post up and mingle with other bloggers!!! No rules, just meet new people!
Next week's theme: KIDS

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Not Cool, Guys

My phone is gone, ya'll. Seriously. I have no friggin idea what I did with it. I had it when I went shopping on Friday. Now I have no idea where I put it. And in all honestly, I would probably lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. Seriously. Anyway, because of this development, I cannot upload the pictures that I had planned on sharing. I know. Bummer for me AND you, haha.

Meanwhile, things should get pretty interesting tonight over on A Thought of Her Own (sister site, darlings). I had the audacity to speak (er, write) my humble opinion on abortion. Which, as most of you know, is unique to say the least. I'll keep you posted on that debacle.

This week should be pretty interesting. With any luck, we'll finally get our tax return. But I'm thinking that we're not that lucky. The hubbs is off work tomorrow (because he had to work today, on his usual day off). That will make the week go by a little faster.

If my 6 year old doesn't tone down the attitude and back talk, she may not live to see her 7th birthday. >.<

Ahhhhh, good times people, good times!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Latest Happenings

  • Drama unfolding with the widow. Don't ask.
  • Walked into the kitchen to find that Phoenix had put the kitten in the dishwasher this morning. Thank God I walked in before he turned it on.
  • Waiting on tax refunds is about as fun as waiting for a pot of water to boil. 
  • I've lost more weight. Win.
  • We have to find a new home for our rotti mix. Those bitches are going to kill each other (see what I did there?) That's going to be a REALLY bad day. 
  • Is it wine-thirty yet?
  • The girl got her report card this week...color me impressed.
  • She's reading on a first grade level. Parenting win.
  • I'm going to start copy writing my shit. 
  • Finally received a book I've been waiting on for 2 weeks. It's a book about abortion. It's graphic, but it's definitely food for thought.
  • Holy dad really is gone. 
  • Michael is now very fond of Bob Seger and loves singing "Like A Rock". Parenting wins galore here, people.

So much has been going on, it's hard to keep up. I'll upload some pictures tomorrow. I've been taking tons of them. <3 div="">