Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Assisted Suicide

Not too long ago, I came across a documentary on HBO (Call me a nerd, I love them). The documentary, Kevorkian, got me thinking. It was a detailed account of the case of Dr. Kevorkian and the whole idea of assisted suicide. Where do you stand on this issue? I cannot honestly think of one reason that a competent, suffering adult should not be able to make this choice. Who would want to suffer pointlessly? And why shouldn't we give them the choice to end their suffering if there's no hope anyway? The thing that bothers me the most about this issue is that we will euthanize our pets to put them out of their misery and end their suffering, but we don't extend that same courtesy to our neighbors, family members, and friends?

Let me be really clear on this issue, though. I do think that there should be rules in place for these circumstances. I do not think that children should be able to make this decision. Nor do I think anyone suffering from mental issues along with their disease should be able to make this decision. Often, a disease can affect the mind causing a person to be unstable, and therefore, unable to make such a decision. Finally, I do not think that assisted suicide should be an option available to anyone that has the slightest chance of recovery.

Here's a look at the current assisted suicide laws by state:

  • Currently, 34 states have laws in place that criminalize assisted suicide. My home state, Georgia, being one of them. In fact, there's been a case involving members of the Final Exit Network assisting in a suicide here for the last couple of years. The case seems to be going nowhere fast. 
  • Nine states have criminalized assisted suicide through common law.
  • Three states have abolished the common law of crimes and do not have statues criminalizing assisted suicide.
  • Ohio's state supreme court ruled that assisted suicide was not a crime in 1996.
  • Virginia has no real clear law concerning assisted suicide.
  • Oregon and Washington are the only states that allow physician-assisted suicide. 
What are your thoughts on this issue? I think this might have a better chance of striking a chord with you if you've had to watch someone you love suffer. However, some people's moral beliefs rule their thoughts on this issue. Regardless, it's definitely something to think about.

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