Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abortion and Morals

Many women say that they could never choose abortion for themselves. Many say that no woman ever should choose abortion for any reason whatsoever. Even more men say the same. However, until you are actually in the position to consider it for medical, financial, or emotional reasons...you will never know. How can I say that? Because I've been in the position to consider it. And I was as hardcore pro-life as they come. Needless to say, I didn't go through with it, nor do I think I ever could. It's a choice that I support, but it's a choice that isn't for me.

But here is the bigger issue in my mind. Many women say that it's wrong morally. That you're taking a life, playing God, causing an innocent child needless pain. Okay, let's look at this. No matter what side of the fence you're on, it's pretty obvious to everyone that abortion is, in fact, the taking of a life, or at least the potential for life. We all know it.

Some will say that by terminating a pregnancy, you are playing God. I can see how someone could think that. I understand it. But maybe that's not the way to look at it. After all, God is the one who has given us the technology to monitor our pregnancies, the freedom of choice to make the best decisions we can, and the science to do such procedures. And if this is the stance you're taking, wouldn't the same logic apply to taking a brain dead patient off of life support? Wouldn't that be considered playing God, as well?

And finally, it's painful for the child. Well, anyone in the medical field will tell you that in order for an unborn child to feel pain, a number of things need to be in order. For example, the brain has to be fully functional. The neuro system has to be developed enough to identify pain and send the signals to the brain. That isn't happening at 8 weeks pregnant. Do I think that at some point an unborn child can feel pain? Absolutely. Now, what if your child is already suffering? For example, I came across a story of a couple who were pregnant with a MUCH wanted baby, only to find out in the third trimester that their child had brittle bone disease. He already had broken bones all throughout his little body. If she would have delivered him vaginally, he would have been literally crushed to death in the birth canal. And a c-section was out of the question because she had a bad case of pre-eclampsia. The only option they had was to have an injection of potassium inserted into the baby's heart to stop it and induce labor. The baby was already suffering immensely. How painful is one broken bone to a grown man (not to mention, without pain medication)? Can you imagine a baby having bones broken all throughout its body with no pain medication? Sometimes it really is a no win situation.

My point is, no girl grows up looking forward to the day that she can terminate a pregnancy. No woman thinks "Hey, I think I'll wait until the 7th month to terminate this pregnancy". Who wants to go through that? No one. I read a quote from some pro-choice activist/abortionist once (I can't remember her name) that said "Women have abortions because they want to be good mothers", and for the most part...I believe that to be true.

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