2012 has been one hell of a year for my family. I figured to make it fun and hit the highs (and lows), I'd make a little countdown of the biggest moments of 2012, here at Kline Headquarters. Here they are in no particular order:
#10: Phoenix turned a year old! This was a little bittersweet for both Dayton and I because we knew it was the last "first birthday" we'd be celebrating. At the same time, it was also a little bit of a relief....because it was the last "first birthday" we'd be celebrating. ;) You can read about the little man's big day here and here. Be ready to look at pictures.
#9: My baby girl started REAL school! Big girl school! My sweet ZoeJane has officially started her long journey to college, a career, life in general. You can read all about that here.
#8: We had a health scare with Michael. It was made even more terrifying by the fact that every Dr. we saw felt the need to tell us that it could be cancer. They just couldn't make up their minds to rule it out. This was by far the most terrifying thing we've experienced as parents thus far. We ended up being so lucky. God is good. You can read everything from the beginning of the ordeal, to late night hospital ramblings, to his surgery post here, here, and here.
#7: We officially made the permanent decision to stop adding to our brood. It was an emotionally tough decision to make (it's hard to make such a permanent decision!), but it was the best decision for us. Sorry, don't have a link for that one. I didn't think you guys would want the deets ;)
#6: Dayton left the Marine Corp on a medical discharge. And while overall, he's been happier since he's been out, the transition was a bitch. It's really different for us, because we've been a military family since we got married.
#5: I finally got my own car! We've been a one car family since we got married, too. That's a phase that I'm happy to put behind us. You can get a glimpse of my newest baby here. =D
#4: Dayton was baptized. This was particularly meaningful because my dad is the one who baptized him, and my dad also baptized me when I was 12. And of course for another reason that will be covered further along in this post.
#3: We made our first trip to Michigan in almost 3 years! If you'd like, go ahead and check out the evidence.
#2: Dayton and I celebrated 7 years! Our wedding anniversary and Halloween all in the same week!
#1: My dad got sick. My dad died. I pushed through and managed to give a eulogy at his service without breaking down.
This year was one hell of a ride. And I'm going into the New Year with something I never thought I'd be moving forward without: my daddy. Last New Years Eve, I never imagined that this year's post would end with me talking about losing him. I wish I would have known. Tonight, when I think back over the last year, I'll shed tears without a doubt...and because of that, I'll consider this a beneficial year of learning and growing. Tomorrow, we'll all wake up and start all over. Screw 2012...let's make 2013 EPIC!