Monday, May 2, 2011

Imaginary Miscarriage

Many people have stories of friends or acquaintances who have faked a pregnancy for one reason or another...and then (considering they're NOT pregnant), they kill off their imaginary babies in a "miscarriage". In my 24 years, I've come across a few of these girls. I've always found it slightly amusing and a little pathetic, all at the same time. Now that I am a mother, and know so many women who have actually HAD miscarriages, I find it offensive.

The oddest of all, is when a women who already HAS a child pulls this stunt. I knew one. And she achieved her overall goal : Get the guy. They were divorced a year later. Another interesting thing to consider is the girls who actually get so wrapped up in playing the devastated "mother", they actually start to feel as if they've really experienced a loss. Uh, therapy anyone?

Women do it for all sorts of reasons. But usually, it's in order to keep a guy (because we all know that men these days will automatically stay with you and turn into your knight in shining armor if he knocks you up). I find this appalling. Is there really a man, SO worth your time, that he is worth mocking a real woman's pain? I mean, really?

God forbid these women actually get pregnant and lose a child.

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