Okay, so here in Atlanta, a woman is outraged that a community has banned public breastfeeding after the child is 2 years old. Two years old, as in...24 months. Yeah. Okay. She's convinced that if they're putting an age limit of two years on it, they'll continue to make it younger and younger until eventually, she is no longer able to breastfeed in public. This trips me out for about 12 different reasons.
First of all, this woman's baby is only 4 months old. Was she really planning to breastfeed until the kid is 2?! Teeth, honey. They have teeth by 2. Not to mention, how discreet do you think you can be with a two year old child hanging off your boob? I don't know...maybe you could carry around a quilt to drape over the kid.
Now personally, I am most certainly not opposed to breastfeeding. By all means, it's cheap, it's healthier for your baby, and it's beneficial to mom (Hey, burning an extra 500 calories a day? I'll take it!). But I never breastfed in public. I would make bottles before I left the house, and if I ran out, I would go to the bathroom. The whole throwing a blanket over the baby just didn't cut it for me. Come on--it's not any less obvious. And really, I don't think I'd want something draped over me and my food while I was trying to eat...but that's just me. Personally, I don't have a problem with moms who breastfeed in public AS LONG as they're not flaunting their boobs. There was this one night that I was in Walmart while I was pregnant with ZoeJane and this REALLY classy (notice how loosely I used that one?) woman comes down the same aisle as me with her 4 kids, one openly attached to her boob. By "openly attached", I mean, she had no bra on, her t-shirt was pulled up, the kid wasn't attached, and her boob was literally FLOPPING. It seriously tested my gag reflex.
So, I hate to burst any bubbles out there, but I think if I saw a woman nursing her two year old, it would have the same effect on me.
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