Saturday, March 26, 2011

An overnight trip that felt like 6 days

So, once again, we have made the round trip from our house, 3 hours south to Dayton's mom's house for ZoeJane to compete in one last horse show before Dayton's surgery on Thursday, and then third trimester which will be in full force by the time he recovers. As always, she loved being around her grandma and the horses. She loved riding her new pony, Bella. This time though, I think I may have benefited from the trip. I was actually kind of dreading it, because I felt like I was still recovering from last weekend's trip, but of course I went because it's so important to ZoeJane. Last night, Dayton's mom and I got to talking and it was nice to have an adult conversation with someone who understood what I was talking about. Don't get me mother in law and I have had some serious issues over the last 6 years that Dayton and I have been together, but we seemed to have moved past them for the sake of ZoeJane, Michael, and new well as this man that we both love so much--Dayton. We talked about the pregnancy, my nerves, the drama going on in my family, my worries attached to the drama...and she understood. She also talked about some of the issues we've had and took some responsibility for it, which shocked me. was nice to get some things off my chest.

Meanwhile, my iPad completely evaporated while we were there. I left it on the back of the couch when I went to bed last night...this morning, *poof*! We think ZoeJane may have taken it to use the coloring app that she loves so much and was too scared she'd get in trouble to tell us where she put it. But who knows. Dayton's parents said they'd turn the house upside down if they had to, I just hope that works. It's my only source of unwinding. I take it into a hot bath and read my kindle books on it, combine it with Dayton's android for on-the-road internet access, and basically love it to pieces. Its my guilty pleasure.

We also stopped by my sister's house to visit baby Benjamin again and check on my sister. ZoeJane hasn't seem the baby yet, as kids weren't allowed into the maternity ward unless they were the new baby's siblings. Michael liked him until I held him. That didn't go over too well. Makes me a little nervous about how he'll react to a new baby that lives with us, lol. My sister seems so miserable...worn out and just barely managing to stay awake. I feel bad for her. It's normal, after delivery...but she got a double whammy this time as she decided to have her tubes tied before they stitched up her c-section incision. Regardless, I was glad I got to see for myself that she's okay (okay, and holding baby Benji (haha, Memory!) wasn't so tortourous either.

The weather is awful. It started about 2pm, while we were still down south. By the time we made it to Macon (midway for us), there were tornado warnings all around us. I'm not too keen on severe weather, though I like a good thunderstorm here and there. We just got home (at 10pm) and now there are tornado watches here until 4am....hail is falling in counties all around us, and we're getting monsoon like rain. Yaaaaay. At least it will make for some good sleep tonight...let's just hope Michael agrees.

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