So I finally broke down and bought the Intelligender gender prediction test. I probably wasted $30, but since this is our last baby, I figure we could do something for shits and giggles. I'm pretty sure the result was "girl", but I sent the company a picture of it just to be sure. I'm starting to get excited. I guess after the initial shock wears off and you accept the fact that there's nothing you can do about shitty timing...all that's left to do is be excited. Besides, I keep telling myself, if this little bean wanted to be here bad enough to work through birth control, it must be meant to be. <3
Meanwhile, my mom just got in from Kansas today. She was in Wichita and I asked her to go by George Tiller's old clinic and get a few pictures for me. For some reason, the idea of visiting that old building pulls at my heart strings. As much as I agree with the work that they did, the idea that so many sad women went there to say goodbye to their babies breaks my heart. Anyway, she went. The building has been torn down. The family had it for sale for $750,000 and someone actually bought it and tore it down. Also, someone took a bucket of red paint and splattered it all over the privacy fence to imitate blood. Close minded bastards. I hope they're never in the position to have to choose for a suffering child. As much of a hardcore pro-lifer that I used to be, I don't see why people are so opposed to opening their minds long enough to hear the other side.
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