Monday, August 8, 2011

Stress, contractions, and "The plan"

We (well, I) have a plan. You know, like a "life plan". There are things I want to accomplish for my children, and for me. The plan isn't going so well these days. First, my school screwed me over (again...way to go), but this time...we did a little digging. Turns out, they've been taking money off of my financial aid. There are small amounts missing here and there, and then larger amounts...$300 here...another $100 there. So, of course, my financial aid hasn't been covering my tuition. This has resulted in them blocking me from classes (online classes). I'm in the process of trying to transfer, but it is just that: a process. As if I wasn't far enough behind (about 3 terms) from the separation in 2009...this is just peachy. That's stress enough in itself.

And as usual, bills are biting us in the ass. We've been down sizing and though it's helping...there are things we CAN'T really downsize on (I'm not up for being Amish). It seems like no matter what we do, we just can't get ahead.

And then there's Phoenix's grand arrival. Don't get me wrong...I can't wait to get my hands on this sweet boy. I'm even more excited to introduce him to his big sister and big brother. BUT, I'm getting so stressed about the labor. I'm worried that we're not going to make it to the hospital in time between him being #3 and us having to get the kids somewhere. I'm worried the labor isn't going to go the way I want it to (or even close to how I want it to). I'm worried about the drama that will ensue because people are going to end up disappointed. It is impossible. No matter how I work the details, someone will be pissed. I think I've already made it MORE than clear that Dayton will be the only one in the room. There is always drama about that one--regardless of how "clear" I make it. Now, I'm pretty sure there will be drama as to how I handle the older kids this time. For example, ZoeJane will not be leaving town to stay with anyone, as she'll be in school. As if pregnancy, labor and delivery isn't stressful enough....there's always someone there to kill it.

On top of all of this nonsense, I've been having braxton hicks like a biotch lately. Last night they lasted a good 2 hours. They eventually let up, but now they're back at it again....I'm assuming as a result of me trying desperately to keep my mind off things by keeping busy. Yay.

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