Sunday, February 24, 2013

Just keep busy, just keep busy...

Apparently this is the trick to not completely breaking down when someone dies. So, I've been cleaning like a mad woman, making elaborate dinners, and working on projects for A Thought of Her Own. I've got my big annual article coming up at the end of May there, and I'm busting my balls trying to come up with a good idea for it this year. Call me crazy, but women's rights fascinate me. The fight to keep abortion safe and legal and WHY fascinates me even more. I'm starting to build a pretty decent contact list for that blog, with new pro-choice friends all over the country. I've even got a few followers from Ireland (FYI: Ireland has some exciting things happening in the way of women's rights). Anyway, I've got a few great ideas for this annual article, but they will be hard to pull off.

Meanwhile, ZoeJane has been out of school this week for winter break and I've so enjoyed spending some extra time with her. Usually, the boys keep it so hectic...I don't get to spend a lot of one on one time with her. This week, we fixed that...and I think it did us some good. Especially when she's stayed up later than Michael and we've had some alone "girl time" before Dayton gets home. She'll go back to school on Monday and we'll be back to the normal grind.

Oh, and on a side note that I know you'll find super exciting, I've gone back to the dark side. Err....dyed my hair black again. Win.

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