Around lunch time Friday, Michael started running fever. First 100.8, the 101.6, the 102.3.....I alternated tylenol and motrin (just like the instructed me to do for his last high fever that landed us in the emergency room), and it brought it down a little...but not enough to make mama happy. I was sure we'd end up in the emergency room, but luckily we didn't have to go. Dayton came home early and came armed with the essentials. A new thermometer (because our's had had it and it was driving me crazy), juice, birthday presents for the boy (because we knew this meant we were going to have to cancel his party, which had already been postponed because big sister was sick during his actual birthday), Sprite, Cough drops, and a box of Vicks Vapor Plug re-fills. Now, keep in mind, everything except the juice and new thermometer were for me and Phoenix (Vapor plug). Michael had no other symptoms other than his fever. I pushed fluids like crazy....kept alternating meds, and finally got his temp down to 99.8. Whew!
I got Michael to bed, went to bed myself and got all comfy...snuggled up next to Dayton and started to relax and BOOM! Phoenix woke up with a gunky nose and mean cough. Cue saline drops, snot snatcher, diaper change, bottle, cuddles from mama, and a little while in his swing (that he's way too big for but still loves). Checked on Michael again, fever was down to 98.9 (yessss!).
Finally fell asleep, around 3am. Phoenix woke up at 5:30am SHARP. Wait, what's that? I'm awake and yet my eyes aren't opening. Sigh. I've inherited the pink eye. ZoeJane brought it home last Thursday and it's made it's rounds. I thought I was safe.
So, fast forward to now. I got about 30 minutes of combined sleep last night because both boys had a rough night. Michael had a cough and Phoenix.....well, Phoenix just didn't want to sleep. My chest hurts from coughing so much. My throat hurts from coughing so much. My head is pounding from having such strong coughing spells. I have ZERO energy. And frankly, I'm ready to curl up and die. If there's no improvement after the power nap I'm going to take when Dayton gets home and a night of rest tonight, I'll probably have my happy ass in the ER tomorrow.
Fun times!
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