On November 7th, ZoeJane got sent home from school with pink eye. Lovely. By that night, I had a sore throat. The next day, Michael and Phoenix had caught the cold symptoms she had. ZoeJane and Michael slowly improved. Phoenix and I got worse. Much worse. He never spiked a fever, but when his normally bubbly personality fizzled, I decided it was time to go to the dr. So last Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving), I hauled all three kids in (just to be safe). As I suspected, the older two were on the tail end of colds. Phoenix had bronchitis and double ear infections. Poor baby boy. My heart broke.
Meanwhile, our original Thanksgiving plans were canceled, but I was still hellbent on cooking a big meal for ZoeJane. Because 1, they had spent so long learning about it in school and 2, she was just so excited for it and 3, because the poor girl's Thanksgiving break consisted of running around the house with her brothers while mom was near death on the couch. I probably over-did it. Turkey, made-from-scratch dressing, green bean casserole, slow cooked veggies, rolls, loaded mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce.
By Saturday, Phoenix was back to his typical peppy self. He had gone for a follow up on Friday and while he still has the ear infection (he's on antibiotics), his lungs were completely clear. And it's a good thing because he was just not having those breathing treatments. The boys go back this Friday for a belated 1-year check up, shots, and flu vaccines. It's gonna be a fun weekend.
Meanwhile, I'm still debating on exactly what direction I want to go with the blog. I can't decide how I want it to look. So, I'm standing by my usual motto of "If you don't know what to do, do nothing" until it comes to me.
I've got way more interesting things to post...but I'll do that when I have a little more time. For now, I'm working on my second glass of pink moscato (lovingly picked out by the hubbs) and considering taking the hubby to bed early tonight ;) You're welcome, ha!