Tuesday, October 23, 2012

An explosion of fun facts

As promised earlier, here is an explosion of fun facts about your's truly. Because, as previously stated, we all know that I'm the most interesting girl in the world (note epic eye roll).
  • I do NOT fly. I have had a fear of flying for as long as I can remember. I tried to conquer the fear back in 2006, about three weeks after ZoeJane was born. Of course, the universe decided to play a joke on me and put us on a dinky Delta connection plane. It did not end well. 
  • I'm a sociology major (I get my nerd on, yo).
  • Yes, I am aware, I am 25 years old and have three children. In fact, I had three BEFORE the age of 24. And that's the way we wanted it.
  • I have 9 tattoos.
  • There are two more that I want.
  • I am very traditional in the sense that you will not mess with my man in any way, shape, or form without getting a bitch fit from me.
  • I love the "f" word. But I'll refrain from using it in this particular post because I have a feeling my dad may be reading. Hi, dad! (You know you love me)
  • I'm the youngest of EIGHT (count 'em, EIGHT!) kids. Think: real life Brady bunch, dysfunctional style.
  • With each baby, I attempted to go natural. I ended up taking the drugs every time. Though, I made it to 6 cm with NO drugs (not even a dose of damn TYLENOL) with Michael. But only because my midwife refused me pain meds when I asked for them, stating "epidural or nothing". She's still somewhere on my shit list. 
  • As a teenager, I was the virginal, anti-drug, anti-alcohol, anti-sneaking-out, pro-life, non-cussing, do-as-I-was-told-even-if-I-was-rebelling-hardcore-on-the-inside girl next door. Mom and dad, you're welcome.
  • I've smoked weed once in my life. It did nothing for me.
  • I enjoy unwinding and getting a little boozy. I can also throw back vodka and tequila shots better than most men. Is that a bad thing?
  • My bad-ass Marine corp husband was too scared to take off my garter at our wedding reception. Dad, you've still got it.
  • I was a very quiet, shy, reserved young lady...until I had children. With that first positive pregnancy test, a bitch was born. And because of that, all three of my children are happy, healthy, and well taken care of wherever they go.
  • I still have all the poetry that I wrote as a teenager. I still like it.
  • I've had the same best friend since I was 5 and she was 7. We've had our ups and downs, but she's my ride or die bitch, yo. 
  • If I had my way (and my uterus would allow it), I would have had 5.
  • My shit list is short, and I'd like to start shortening it, because frankly, I don't have the brain space to hold a grudge anymore.
  • I'd love to write a book, but I have too damn much to say.
  • If I wasn't such a puss, I'd have 6 piercings instead of just my ears and a hole where my tongue ring used to be. Still need to get that one re-done. 
  • I am a HUGE (repeat: huge) Britney Spears fan.
  • I am FIERCELY pro-choice.
  • You can find out just how pro-choice I am, here.
  • You can direct your hate mail for the above fun fact to carakline@gmail.com =) You're welcome.

If there is anything else that you would like to know, suck it up and wait for the next installment. Maybe I'll do a mommy-fun-facts next. ;)