Sunday, August 26, 2012

11 months...and still no teeth!

Today, my sweet baby boy is 11 months old! I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday, I was in the hospital having him. The last 11 months have been a whirlwind! And yes, he's still as toothless as the day he was born. But it's amazing to watch him gum down some goldfish or a banana. The kid has talent.

In the last two weeks, he went from simply sitting on the floor, to getting up on his knees, to TAKING OFF! He's a spitfire! And now, we can't keep him still. He's all over the place and into everything. In the last few days, he also started pulling up on his own (Slow down, baby boy! Mommy isn't ready for this!).

One of his favorite things to do now is to wave at people. Even if I'm simply sitting across the room, he has to wave. When we come or go, he waves. Sometimes we just have to look at him and he waves. It's the CUTEST wave I think I've ever seen (except for the baby waves ZoeJane and Michael did, haha). He gets so tickled at himself when he does's adorable.

And finally, the little monkey has got a few words under his belt. He says dada, mama, and yuuummmm. He loves that he's able to say mama or dada and get our attention immediately. In fact, sometimes I think he loves it a little too much. He calls one of us just so he can laugh when we turn around. If he calls Dayton and Dayton doesn't respond fast enough, he lets out the loudest grunt/"DA!" that he can muster. That one leaves all of us laughing.

It's been a bittersweet 11 months. I love watching him learn and grow, but I hate knowing that this is the last time that I'll be doing the baby things. It breaks my heart just a teense. And because it's the last time, I'm constantly worried that I'm going to miss something.

So, here we are at 11 months in, baby boy. Hold on tight. We're just getting started! (I love you, I love you, I love you!)

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