So, I managed, with one comment to start a whole shit storm in my family via Facebook. Yeah, nice going, I know. And of course, it started with all this Chik-fil-A crap that has undoubtedly caused more trouble than it's worth. Personally (and please note that I said *personally*...I'd write in in big flashing glittery lights if it were possible), I don't think it was necessary for Dan Cathy to come out and make a big public statement about something that was already known (at least among non-dumbasses). Everyone who is a regular customer at Chik-fil-A realizes that they are a Christian-owned company. I mean, really, they're closed on Sundays. Duh. So, it goes without saying (pun intended) that they would not support gay marriage. My opinion (again, imagine big flashing glittery lights here) is this: it is not very Christian-like to "stir the pot". Dan Cathy's public statement really didn't serve any purpose
other than stirring the pot. I mean really, why state the obvious? Oh wait! I know the answer to this one because I've heard it from every single conservative Republican that I know...because he
can. True story. He can. But Westboro Baptist Church
can stand outside of a soldier's funeral flashing obnoxious neon signs with things like "God loves dead soldiers!" and "God hates fags!" and "God hates America!"....they
can, but does that make it right? (Food for thought here, people)
So, after reading an uncomfortable comment, I stated my opinion (in a much shorter way). Cue shit storm. Please, keep in mind, I
never stated my opinion on gay marriage...only my opinion on this whole public statement nonsense. Well, no one commented on this particular status until I did, and once I did, the poster got all sorts of "Way to go!" and "You're exactly right!" comments. Man, way to show up the liberal. Then the storm got...well, bitchy.
So here it is, 4 days after the status was posted and my comment was added and I've been deemed a non-Christian...because it was assumed that since I didn't agree with how this was handled, that I support gay rights (Which, yes, I do. If we're going to take basic rights away from sinners, we're all screwed). Well, damn. And maybe they're right. I don't hammer into my children that gay people are "wrong, wrong, wrong" (I'd just like to point out, "sinner, sinner, chicken dinner!" is flashing in my head right now. Sorry. Couldn't resist). I don't think that rights should be taken away from citizens because we don't agree with their lifestyle. I don't think that as a CHRISTIAN (yeah, I said it!) that it's my place to take rights away, or judge someone else's lifestyle. And I'm raising my kids the same way. In my opinion, the main theme of the Bible is to love thy neighbor, and that will be the main theme behind every choice I make while raising my children.
Am I saying you're not a Christian if you don't believe in gay rights? Nope. It's not my place to say whether or not you're a Christian and for what reasons. But is it really necessary to be obnoxious about your beliefs? No. Roll with the punches, people. Accept the fact that people are going to have opinions that differ from yours and that it doesn't make them awful people. We're all adults. We're
allowed to disagree. And holy hell, how boring would it be if we didn't?! God MADE us to have our own free will. He gave us the ability to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. Are we so hard wired that we have forgotten that we can do that? Have we become SO frigid on our own beliefs that we believe it's okay to lose our humanity with people who don't agree with us?
Bottom line is this: We are ALL sinners. Every last one of us. And every last one of us has at least one
big no-no on our record. Fornicators are allowed to marry. Adulterers are allowed to marry and re-marry. Hell, even bi-racial couples (gasp!) are allowed to get married! If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the Bible have something to say about all of these things? And yet, we're going to deny gay couples the right to marry so that they can benefit from things like, being able to have a say in medical decisions of their loved ones, being able to support their children after their partner has died (Anybody think it's a little twisted that they're allowed to adopt, but not allowed to marry?), and every other right that we, as spouses, have? It doesn't make sense. If you're going to agree with one part of the Bible, you should be agreeing with all of it. Aside from that, yes, Dan Cathy had a right to say what he said...but what was the point? There wasn't one. Sure, he got a shit ton of business from it, but was that worth singling out an entire sub group of people?
Alas, the drama will continue. And next time, I hope I remember to keep my mouth shut and my fingers off the keys.