Monday, July 30, 2012


Things are changing at lightening speed! Dayton landed a new job that he loves. My sweet baby girl starts KINDERGARTEN in less than TWO weeks! Michael man finally seems to be hitting the hardcore terrible two's (even though he's almost 3). And finally, my baby Phoenix has recently become an escape artist. It's all happening too fast. School is going great. It's kind of be past the part of physically building our family (not that we're not having fun pretending we're still building...bahaha). Now it's time to focus on feeding their little minds and working on ourselves, career wise. I know, we kind of got the career building/baby making backwards, but it keeps things interesting. Things are just starting to settle down with Dayton's career change, and now they're about to go crazy at hurricane strength once again. And this time...I'll actually have a kid in real school. I remember sitting at home with her when she was a baby, trying to imagine her first day of school and feeling that it was outside the realm of possibility. How could my baby ever go to school?! And now, we're facing that first day of Kindergarten and she's already talking about college. I guess I'm doing something right? I love to see how excited she is about learning. I hope the boys are the same way.

Now, just to make myself smile....PHOTO BOMB!!!

Phoenix, 10 months (killing a bowl of mashed potatoes)

Michael's muscles (and his sissy's bike streamers)

Working on her math

Busted with the iPad (and yes, she's sitting in a box...)

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