Here's to one hell of a month that I managed to survive. In the last 26 days, I've called an ambulance, made friends with the neighbors, lived 11 days with my mom in the same house, thrown a birthday party, pulled together Christmas, started back to school, thrown Christmas together, made a huge meal from scratch, and actually managed to have the house spotless TWO times. Oh yeah, I went grocery shopping twice this month, too. I must be some sort of amazing mix of superwomen and Martha freaking Stewart. I'd be slightly impressed if I didn't feel the need to run down the street screaming bloody murder.
On a lighter note, my mind has been wondering what I'll put on my ridiculous list of New Year's resolutions this year. So far, I've come up with quite the list (that I'll be posting in a few days). It's a laugh. Meanwhile, at this exact time 3 months ago, I was laying in a hospital bed, weathering contractions from hell and wishing that my sweet baby boy would make his way through my birth canal just a TEENSE faster. My sweet baby girl is 5 years old now (gulp). And my sweet little man is still as sweet as ever (despite the fact that he's discovered the wonderful world of tantrums). I'll post more later. I think I'll go run down the street now. ;)
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