Thursday, September 16, 2010

The tempest in the teapot...

Tempest in the teapot

These are just the things I've been called by my family LATELY. Tempest in the teapot--that cute bit was from my brother because I was upset about him not even bothering to CALL me while he was in the state from Texas (not even to meet his new nephew for the first time).

Drama--That was my sister to my bitch ex room-mate, who she herself calls a backstabbing, lying whore whenever the bitch isn't around.

And finally, traitor--from my DAD. Because his ex wife came up as a face book suggestion and I added her to see if my other sister had a face book who was on her friends list.



  1. wait... how does that make your dad a traitor? I'm confused. oh and the good news is if all goes as planned tomorrow I am coming to see you in the next two weeks:)))

  2. nevermind, I figured it out:) blonde moment
