She finally gave in and said she'd try it out. She got in the car this afternoon and says, "The group with Ms. Clinch (her school counselor) isn't about loss, mom! It's about being angry!." While trying to explain to her that being angry is often a part of losing someone, I pointed out how angry she was about papa "leaving her" just last week. Ultimately, she said that she liked the group (and then told me that when I tell her that she can't have a snack when she asks, makes her angry). I'm really hoping that this will help her cope with losing him. I'm trying the best I can, but there is only so much I can do when I'm trying to deal with it myself...and as we all know, sometimes it's better for someone on the outside to try to help.
Tomorrow will mark one month since dad has been gone. It doesn't seem possible. Now that the holidays are over and everything is getting back to normal, I've had more of a chance to process what happened. It was so much to take in in such a short amount of time. It almost feels like reliving it all over again. I'd give anything to have him back, but since I can't...I'll just be grateful once I feel that I've got a good grip on it.