Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And it suddenly hits me just how lucky I am...

So, mine and Dayton's 5 year anniversary is quickly approaching, things are better than they've ever been, and I can't help but think what a lucky girl I really am.

For those of you who don't know, Dayton is 25. Most guys his age would just now start thinking about settling down and maybe getting married. He, on the other hand, has been married for almost 5 years, has two beautiful children, and likes to spend his weekends...with me. There is hardly ever a time when he hasn't chosen grocery shopping with me over something else. He's missed ONE birthday party for the kids (a party ZoeJane went to, not her own), and that was because he had to work. When I was pregnant, he RARELY missed an appointment, even in the last trimester when appointments are weekly, and usually quick.

Usually, I'm quick to think of all the things I'd change....his gaming, him not doing much cleaning, the way it's so hard for him to focus on a deep conversation...but today it hit me how trivial these things are. My husband is a man who will work all day (usually in pain, thanks to his hip), come home, run a hot bath, and then banish me to the bathroom to relax while he watches the kids. He's the kind of man that will take the kids, fix dinner, and get them to bed when I have homework to catch up on. He's also the kind of man that will brave a Britney Spears concert, or the angry women at an Alanis Morisette concert for no other reason than to make me happy.

But the best part about him is that he understands me. He understands my intentions when no one else does. He understands why I am the way I am, and why I do the things I do. He understands what I want in life, and he puts forth as much effort as I do to make it happen.

After all we've been through, it seems like we're finally achieving what we've always wanted--happiness, with no if, ands, or buts.

Monday, October 11, 2010


So, the end of the year madness has officially begun. The Christmas shopping has started. The birthday shopping has started. The party planning has started. Oh, and the Halloween costumes have been chosen (well, one has). ZoeJane has decided that she's going to be a mermaid. And Michael..well, I'm the one who's being a little indecisive there.

Meanwhile, in the middle of all this madness, my new term starts on Wednesday. I can't believe my break is already over. But here it is--Forensic Psych and Child and Adolescent Psych. Yay. This should be interesting.